You are here: Debtors > Invoices & Adjustments > Templates / Recurring Invoices > Defining Recurring Invoice Form

Defining recurring invoices

This form is used to create and activate Debtor invoice templates that have a due date for posting on or before the system date.

Field Description
Run Date Automatically populated when the batch is created and saved. The field is not editable
User Login user name that is popualted when the form is created and cannot be changed
Source Batch The invoice batch numbers due to be run
Type Invoice is the only type that Templates operate on
Description Details of each batch
Due Date Date the template is due to be postedadn is the date the new invoice batch lines will use
Reason Repeating explanation
Dest. Batch This field is updated once this form is saved. Drill down to both the source and destination batches is available from this form

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